CATEGORY: Diabetes

Weight Loss Secrets: Drinking Alcohol Counteracts Fat Loss

Drinking alcohol while you are attempting to lose weight will block fat loss and sabotage any diet plan! Introduction: For many years I have advised my patients to abstain from alcohol while they are working on losing fat and to[...]

Blueberries are good and statins are bad for adult-onset diabetes

Diabetes is rapidly becoming the most common and dangerous disease of aging for Americans. Three recent studies have shown a new light on treatments for diabetes. This group of research discoveries teaches us how to improve the severity of diabetes[...]

An Interview with Nick Ahlering owner of Orangetheory®

Orangetheory is a science backed, class-based workout and fitness studio. Orangetheory - Ladue Location 10277 Clayton Rd. St. Louis, MO 63124 (314) 272-0641 Orangetheory - Chesterfield Location 1674 Clarkson Rd St. Louis, MO 63017 (314) 384-9025   BioBalance[...]

Testosterone blood Levels don’t always indicate your need for testosterone

A man can have a normal Testosterone level and feel terrible, if he has a lot of Estrogen. I look at the metabolic activity of T in individuals as an interplay between blood levels of T and the receptor sites[...]

These are the Factors Leading to Heart Disease

Cardiac disease is not the only thing that results from plaque formation There are many factors that affect the development of cardiac disease, including: ObesityAdult onset DiabetesLow thyroidLack of exerciseInflammationSmokingDrinkingLow TMenopauseInsulin resistanceHeredity In my practice I begin by normalizing the[...]

The Myths of Testosterone Pellet Insertions

Testosterone Replacement with Pellets Myths - Explained. There are many myths floating around the medical community regarding hormone replacement with testosterone pellets. On this weeks’ podcast, Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss those myths and challenge incorrect thinking. It is[...]

How do Mitochondria get sick?

Free oxygen - free radicals are harmful to the body, and the damage they cause is in the mitochondria. When the human body is exposed to radiation (even the sun), toxins, stress, unhealthy food, infection and extremes of temperature and[...]

Mitochondria and their Importance to our Health

Mitochondria are discussed like they are understood, but most people don’t know really what they are. Mitochondria are discussed like they are understood by the common man in advertisements, and in discussions about nutrition, but most people don’t know really[...]

Arimidex®, An Aromatase Inhibitor, Is Not Just For Breast Cancer Anymore!

Aromatase inhibitors decrease estradiol/estrone blood levels and increase total and free testosterone. What is an AI?  It stands for Aromatase Inhibitor. This group of medications is an enzyme blocker that slows or stops the conversion of Testosterone into Estrone and[...]

Anti-Aging Medicine Addresses Senescence and Reverses Osteoporosis

Discussion of individual drugs researched and approved by the FDA for the purpose of treating the specific diseases of aging. This week’s conversation was stimulated by an article in January’s Endocrine News written by Sundeep Khosla, MD. The author of[...]