CATEGORY: Estradiol

Dr. Maupin’s Lecture to Other Doctors – Why Women Need Testosterone.

Testosterone is the one hormone that gives women back their youth. I gave a lecture to the doctors, and other medical professionals, at the AMMG medical conference. My lecture’s purpose was to confirm and impress the vital need for women[...]

Do you need antibiotics with your pellet insertion?

Some medical conditions may require you to take antibiotics before your insertion. If you are receiving testosterone or estradiol hormone pellet therapy, BioBalance Health wants to know if you have any of the following medical conditions that may require you[...]

Myths About Post Menopausal Women That Block Women from What We Need:

Menopause and the years leading up to it CAN BE TREATED safely and effectively.  If you feel ignored and unheard by your doctor or nurse practitioner, your feelings are correct!  As a group women are not listened to and often[...]

Interview with my patient Ms. Missouri Senior Darla Behlmann

Read how BioBalance Health patient Darla Behlmann became Ms. Missouri Senior. Darla Behlmann, Ms. Missouri Senior 2024, is a 64-year-old mother and grandmother who has been my patient for 14 years, and who credits her success to BioBalance Health’s Estradiol[...]

Getting Old and Frail? Getting Frail MEANS Getting Old

The opposite of Frailty is the Quality of being robust. Do you ache all over? Are you weaker every year? Shorter and more bent over?   Are your clothes hanging off your shoulders? Do you walk slower and hold on to[...]

Common Excuses for Delaying Hormone Replacement

The list of benefits continues to grow when replacing your hormones (Testosterone and Estradiol). Are you menopausal and have any of the following symptoms? Hot Flashes Night Sweats Dry Vagina Painful intercourse Dry skin Lack of sex drive Lack of[...]

A Plan for Health and Longevity to Avoid the Pain and Disability of Aging

What can I expect as I start to age? On the last Heath cast #662 we talked about the choice of doing nothing when faced with symptoms of hormone deficiency and symptoms of aging, versus the choice to actively live[...]

If You Want to Live a Long Enjoyable Life Without Disease, Please Listen!

Replacing essential hormones gives my patients their lives back, and their energy back. My goal for BioBalance Health® is to guide my patients to live a healthier life by offering them the newest preventive treatments, and safest hormone treatment available.[...]

Vast Difference Between the Benefits of Different Types of Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone Replacement Treatments Are All Different and Each Form of T replacement Has Its Own Benefits and Risks The Problem: I see women and men every day who are deficient in their own production of testosterone because of age, testicular[...]

Why blood test of testosterone and free testosterone alone don’t reveal how you will respond to hormones.

Every person is an individual and each person makes hormones based on their genetic map and environment. At Bio Balance Health I order blood tests to evaluate my future patients before I even have my first appointment with them.  I[...]