CATEGORY: Medicines and Supplements

Body Mass Index (BMI) is finally being questioned

What exactly is your Body Mass Index number telling you about your health? BioBalanceÂź Health uses other forms of measurement to determine body composition, and to diagnose healthy weight, versus overweight and obesity. BMI is a calculation of healthy weight,[...]

Semaglutides for Weight Loss

Semaglutides, weight loss, and the new weight loss medicines that everyone is talking about. Every physician and every overweight patient have struggled with achieving effective weight loss that was effective for most people, until now!  Almost simultaneously 6 weight loss[...]

Sweating, Electrolytes, and How to Combat Dehydration

How illnesses and medications affect the amount of each electrolyte in our body. I learned about electrolytes in medical school as the substances Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate we check on a metabolic panel. However, electrolytes are much[...]

628 Statins Can Cause Diabetes

Why are statins always prescribed for people who have diabetes, even if their lipids are normal? There is an interesting conflict between the truth and the mainstream medical protocols surrounding statins, that we have noticed in our practice for a[...]

What makes us heal after injury or surgery?

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid and is necessary for healthy healing. Recently I had a shoulder replacement that went according to plan, and I healed amazingly fast. Of course, my surgeon was excellent, and he gave me preoperative instructions that[...]

Don’t stop medical treatment when it is working!

Just how important is it to take all the medicine prescribed to you? I often see patients at the office who come back to get BBH Pellets after a hiatus of months to years, that they tell me waiting was[...]

How your breast and thyroid fight over iodine.

You probably have never heard of the need for Iodine, but it is vital to human life. Ref: Brownstein D. Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. Medical Alternatives Press, West Bloomfield, MI; 2004. Women’s Pharmacy Newsletter. Iodine[...]

What your Dr. doesn’t tell you could save you thousands of dollars on medication

Replacing your hormones may reduce the number of medicines you are currently taking.   Medications are getting more expensive, and the % of the price of each medication goes up every year as insurance companies hold on to their profits. [...]

How do Mitochondria get sick?

Prolonged exposure to free radicals leads to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. When the human body is exposed to radiation (even the sun), toxins, stress, unhealthy food, infection and extremes of temperature and physically stressful[...]

MetforminÂź is a Miracle Drug for Aging and Obese Patients

Your weight loss medicine may be helpful for other issues in addition to weight loss. One of my patients asked me why I was putting her on Metformin if she wasn’t really diabetic yet, another woman I was consulting on[...]