Why You Need an Individualized Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss must be managed Individually- One Size Doesn’t Fit All! You are what you eat, and you use what food and drink you eat based on your genetics. Weight loss requires professional advice, direction and oversight.  Combining receiving the[...]

News Flashes about Menopause, Metabolic Syndrome, Dementia and Cancer!

Menopause is tied to a higher rate of depression and anxiety, in conjunction with insomnia. There is a lot of New Medical Information that is important for patients to make healthy decisions about their care or the care of their[...]

If you have a big belly, you may be at risk for Alzheimer’s

If you are thinking that you will just wait for “something to happen”, then not making a decision to change your lifestyle is making a decision to take on illness in the future. That is a strong statement, however I[...]

Protein is Your Body’s Vital Building Block

Dr. Maupin explains the importance of having sufficient protein in your diet. When I tell my patients that they need a high protein diet, all they can think of is meat…but protein sources are found in many parts of our[...]

What to Replace Simple Sugars with for Weight Loss and Building Muscle

What are simple sugars, and why are they bad for you? There are almost as many different human metabolic variations as there are people in the world.  Our genetics make us all unique in ways that vary the way we[...]

Body Mass Index (BMI) is finally being questioned

What exactly is your Body Mass Index number telling you about your health? BioBalance® Health uses other forms of measurement to determine body composition, and to diagnose healthy weight, versus overweight and obesity. BMI is a calculation of healthy weight,[...]

Semaglutides for Weight Loss

Semaglutides, weight loss, and the new weight loss medicines that everyone is talking about. Every physician and every overweight patient have struggled with achieving effective weight loss that was effective for most people, until now!  Almost simultaneously 6 weight loss[...]

Sweating, Electrolytes, and How to Combat Dehydration

How illnesses and medications affect the amount of each electrolyte in our body. I learned about electrolytes in medical school as the substances Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate we check on a metabolic panel. However, electrolytes are much[...]

628 Statins Can Cause Diabetes

Why are statins always prescribed for people who have diabetes, even if their lipids are normal? There is an interesting conflict between the truth and the mainstream medical protocols surrounding statins, that we have noticed in our practice for a[...]

What is the Mediterranean Diet? —Really

The Mayo Clinic’s version of the Mediterranean Diet may not be what Mediterranean’s really eat! The Mediterranean diet was originally discovered from comparing different diet regimens around the world in the 1950s, and the researchers found that those people living[...]