CATEGORY: Research

Reversal of Advice for Breast Cancer Patients Experiencing Severe Menopausal Symptoms

Female patients should have the right to receive post-menopausal hormone therapy. Menopausal Symptoms I waited to announce the emerging research regarding the safety of post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy for breast cancer patients suffering from severe menopausal symptoms until the research[...]

Reasons Why You Can’t Interpret Your Own Lab Results – Part II

Some Reference Ranges are Based on comparing results to Misleading formulas. Last time we reviewed why interpreting your lab may lead you to the wrong diagnosis and treatment.  Today we continue our review of each lab panel and why the[...]

Reasons Why You Can’t Interpret Your Own Lab Results

Lab results often lack layperson-friendly explanations. There is a new federal rule for lab companies that requires them to report your blood tests to you as soon as they are finished, often even before your doctor has seen them.  This[...]

GLP-1 Weight Loss Medications’ Biggest Side Effect

Ozempic/Wegovy/Mounjaro/ Zepbound-Weight Loss Medications’ Biggest Side Effect-Reflux! The newest miracle drug for weight loss is changing the lives of thousands of people who have battled obesity for extended periods of time….These GLP-1 medications are also treating or preventing the diseases[...]

This is for the Men! Too many RBCs after Testosterone? It is easily Treated.

The treatment for a high H/H is simple - it is a routine removal of blood. Almost every week I hear from my male patients that their PCP doctor has scared them by telling them to stop taking testosterone pellets[...]

How To Prevent a Stroke..Start Early!

In my practice at BioBalance Health we always work with our patients to prevent them having a stroke and or heart attack. I am not sure if you play THE “WHAT’S THE DISEASE THAT I DON’T WANT TO HAVE GAME[...]

Myths About Post Menopausal Women That Block Women from What We Need:

Menopause and the years leading up to it CAN BE TREATED safely and effectively.  If you feel ignored and unheard by your doctor or nurse practitioner, your feelings are correct!  As a group women are not listened to and often[...]

Getting Old and Frail? Getting Frail MEANS Getting Old

The opposite of Frailty is the Quality of being robust. Do you ache all over? Are you weaker every year? Shorter and more bent over?   Are your clothes hanging off your shoulders? Do you walk slower and hold on to[...]

Heat Stroke – How to Stay Healthy in the Heat.

How do you know when you are getting close to heat stroke? 2024 has been the hottest summer of the decade and it is causing many of you to go to the ER with heat related sickness. There are several[...]

Two New Studies Confirm Aging Men Live Longer with Youthful Levels of Testosterone

Dr. Kathy Maupin MD - "I have been treating men and women with Testosterone for over 20 years and I concur with how this study plays out in real life" The medically accepted belief that testosterone is bad for men[...]