Sex and Libido in America
Why is there is an increase in older Americans getting divorced? This week we look at the question of why more older Americans are getting divorced than ever before, even more frequently than younger Americans? It is an intriguing problem[...]
Are you depressed? Do you have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
Seasonal Depression Symptoms and Treatment Options. Seasonal Affective Disorder, (SAD), is a form or type of depression. It happens in a recurring pattern either at the beginning of winter or at the beginning of summer. Such a diagnosis must meet[...]
Other Causes of Obesity in America
How many of your eating habits are repetitions of behavior, vs conscious decisions? This week we are continuing our discussions regarding obesity in Europe and America. We will be focusing on the bad habits that people develop, either through innate[...]
Women and Migraines
Understanding the differences between Migraines and Headaches, and how to treat them both. We have many patients who come to us with what they are calling migraine headaches. Often, we find that they are having headaches, but not what we[...]
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder might be an Advantage in the 21st Century
ADHD and ADD - Similarities and Differences Explained. Many of us grew up in an era where the diagnosis of ADD and ADHD was not yet established. So many of us, especially boys, who were identified as difficult children with[...]
Painful Sex is Often the First Sign of a Serious Condition for Women
There are many factors and conditions that can cause painful sex. If you experience painful sex you need to find out why. Men seldom know that sex for women is sometimes painful. Many women do experience painful sex and seldom[...]
How to Make any Vacation Healthier!
Healthy vacations can happen anywhere, but the vacationer has to make it happen. There are as many vacations as there are types of people in the world, and we all choose the vacation that makes us or someone else happy.[...]
Treating The Help Rejecting Complainer
Do you know someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder? There are established ideas about the best course of treatment. There are vigorous discussions among clinicians about the need for and the relevance of diagnostic labels. Arguments are focused on the idea[...]
Sex and Depression
What to do if you are depressed, on medicines for depression, and are experiencing side effects? Last week we talked about orgasm and depression. We discussed what depression is and how it impacts your ability to desire sex and or[...]
Neuroimaging and the news it brings for the treatment of depression
There are many different ways to treat depression including talk therapy and antidepressant drugs. Depression, especially what is called clinical depression is one of the most difficult illnesses to have. Many people who are clinically depressed find that their support[...]