Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the health implications and exercise considerations for individuals with the blood type B.
We know that individuals with Type B blood do not handle viruses as well as those with other blood types. âType Bâsâ carry antigens in their cells that look like those of various viruses. Since the Testosterone cells cannot tell the difference, they are slow to attack and kill the virus cells because they appear to be part of the body and, therefore, safe. We also know that Type B individuals do not experience the same kind of difficulty with neurotransmitter levels that can cause depression and anxiety that the other blood types have. B’s can be depressed, of course, but their bodies fight it off better because of the balance among the neurotransmitter substances that these bodies maintain. It is also possible to learn how to manage and avoid serious levels of depression and help yourself through your behavior and diet choices.
We have learned that B’s are seeking something different than individual with the other blood typesâas a payoff for exercise. B’s need exercise to burn off excess energy, but typically do not experience a “high” from flooding the body with endorphins. They just burn off some of the static energy that distracts their brains by generating stress and anxiety. Regular exercise is important for Type B individuals. Dr. D’Adamo recommends that they should do something social that is also mentally challenging or provides some mental stimulation. He suggests that cycling, hiking, tennis are all good exercise regimens for Type B’s.
Diet is very important in maintaining our health, no matter what our blood type. But it is interesting to learn that each blood type has different dietary issues and different foods that are better or worse for them. For example, Type B’s can eat turkey but should not eat chicken. B’s should stay away from tomatoes and some kinds of nuts, such as peanuts. Obviously, we cannot always stay away from those foods. The point is not that we do not ever, under any circumstances, eat these things. The point is that we learn to generally avoid them and learn how to balance what we eat. We can almost always eat what is provided when we have to. We are, after all, an omnivorous species. But what we have learned is that if we eat healthy for our Blood Type, we can improve our quality of life mentally and physically. This will help us avoid certain diseases and emotional or mental illnesses. It won’t guarantee it, but it will help.
This week, we will discuss diet suggestions that will help you if you are a Type B. We will further offer ideas for you as you age that will help keep you mentally alert and functioning at your peak levels. We will talk with you about exercise that is best for your type, and the circadian rhythms that are better for you.