CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘antidepressant’ Category

Why You May Want To Stay On Your Antidepressant

Depression, Bipolar Disorder and PTSD. How Repeated Bouts Off Medication Cause More Severe Episodes in the Future. An article in Aeon recently called The Kindled Brain, caused me to rethink my theory that once my patients received testosterone for 4-6[...]

Sex and Depression

What to do if you are depressed, on medicines for depression, and are experiencing side effects? Last week we talked about orgasm and depression. We discussed what depression is and how it impacts your ability to desire sex and or[...]

Orgasm and Depression

The Sexual Side Effects of Depression, and Antidepressant Medicines. This week we are speaking of depression. Some of the side effects of being depressed are those that impact your libido and your desire or ability to have sex. First we[...]

Neuroimaging and the news it brings for the treatment of depression

There are many different ways to treat depression including talk therapy and antidepressant drugs. Depression, especially what is called clinical depression is one of the most difficult illnesses to have. Many people who are clinically depressed find that their support[...]

Depression and Antidepressant Medication

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss depression: its symptoms and the best way to treat it as patients age. Most people have been depressed at some point in their lives. Often, when there are major changes in life, people[...]