CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘bioidentical hormone replacement’ Category

Men’s Testosterone Stimulation Now that HCG is Off the Market

Available options to stimulate the natural production of testosterone in men, without replacement. Our practice (BioBalance Health) is a hormone replacement practice that specializes in the replacement of hormones lost as the body ages. We focus our attention primarily on[...]

Anti-Aging Medicine and Peptides

How does Hormone Replacement Therapy and Peptides Work Together to make you Healthy? Why do peptides need replacement as we age? Peptides production in the body, are at their peak when we are in our youthful fertile years, between 12[...]

A New Anti-Aging Treatment Called Peptides

What are Peptides, and how they can help improve your health? At BioBalance we treat our patients for the symptoms and diseases of aging first with Testosterone and or Estradiol Pellets and Lifestyle changes as the basis of our therapy. [...]

Replacement of Testosterone Does More Than Treat Specific Symptoms

What does "Normal" really mean when looking at you blood test results? We often speak in terms of something being normal for men of our ages. Lab tests return results in terms of a comparison to “Normal”. What does this[...]

Dosing Hormone Replacement – Fast and Slow Metabolizers

Hormone replacement dosage can be significantly different from person to person. Even if they are the same gender, age, and size. It is a Little-known fact that each person has his or her own individual metabolism that breaks down food,[...]

Balancing the Most Common Side Effect of Testosterone Replacement – Facial Hair

Dr. Maupin and Brett discuss options for dealing with unwanted facial hair. Susan is a fairly new patient for me came in for her follow up patient visit after 3.5 months of estradiol and testosterone pellet treatment.  She should be[...]

Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Even if you have normal lab scores, you may still have symptoms that cause you discomfort or distress, and you may still be sick. There are major disagreements over the practice of medicine and the way it is done in[...]

Physicians Posing as Hormone Pellet Experts

How much experience does your doctor have in hormone replacement? Dr. Maupin has been primarily focused on Hormone Replacement in her practice of Medicine for nearly fourteen years. In the beginning she was accused of quackery by other physicians. Fourteen[...]

The Ten Myths of Exercise Programs for People over 35

Over 35 And Disappointed With Your Exercise Results, Dr. Maupin Explains Why. In this healthcast Dr. Maupin identifies and explains ten generally held beliefs about exercising that seem to cause those of us over 35 to be disappointed in our[...]

Male Case Study for Doctors and the General Public

Dr. Maupin's discusses her approach to Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy at BioBalance Health. Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb are taking the opportunity in this Healthcast to explain the diagnostic and troubleshooting steps that Dr. Maupin uses to evaluate patients to see[...]