CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘healthy diet’ Category
What to Replace Simple Sugars with for Weight Loss and Building Muscle
What are simple sugars, and why are they bad for you? There are almost as many different human metabolic variations as there are people in the world. Our genetics make us all unique in ways that vary the way we[...]
Obesity is the Enemy, when a Healthy Full Life is the Goal
Obesity can only be treated by and avoided by consciously eating a healthy diet. Last week we talked about obesity as the biggest risk to both individual health and to the overall health of Americans. This is not fat shaming…this[...]
Obesity is the Biggest Threat to being Healthy in the US
Why is the obesity problem in America getting worse each year? WHO: 4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017 according to the global burden of disease. In 2016 1.9 billion adults[...]
The Roadblocks to Fat Loss – Losing Weight After 40
Today we will discuss the difference between fat loss and weight loss roadblocks. There are many roadblocks to fat loss for Americans and the list grows longer every day! It is now wonder that we are an obese society with[...]
Skinny Fat – Are You Losing Your Mind?
Do you fear you will lose your capacity to think quickly, and to remember the facts that have been important to you personally and professionally? One of my greatest fears is that as I age I will lose my capacity[...]
Food Choices – A Netflix Documentary
Research continues to challenge our concepts about food, how it is manufactured, and how it is consumed. American culture has evolved into a society that, for the most part, is more and more removed from the immediacy of nature. We[...]
Macronutrients for a Healthy Diet
Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb continue their discussion on how Biobalance Health is using the latest medical research to customize effective weight-loss counseling for their patients. This week, Brett Newcomb and I are continuing a discussion about the diet[...]