CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Healthy Food’ Category

Can Food and Lifestyle Decrease Your Total and or Free Testosterone?

What foods and lifestyle changes can decrease your testosterone. The list of the factors that bind T so you can’t use it and those that produce estrogens block free testosterone in both men and women of all ages. The list[...]

Can food or lifestyle really increase your testosterone level?

There are foods, supplements, and activities that stimulate testosterone production. What are the factors that stimulate or inhibit your own Testosterone (T) production? There are foods, supplements and activities that stimulate testosterone production, Just as there are foods, supplements and[...]

Science and Obesity and You

What science does and does not know about obesity. I believe that you have to find the cause or causes of the obesity and treat each issue.  There may be many issues that all need attention to conquer obesity in[...]