CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘heart attacks’ Category

What Genetic Mutation Does 1/3 of America have? MTHFR! What is that?

MTHFR mutation, discovered by doing a Homocysteine blood level, could prevent infertility and strokes, pulmonary emboli, heart attacks. There is a silent and UNTREATED, UNTESTED mutation than affects 1/3 of Americans, that causes pulmonary emboli, heart attacks and strokes, and[...]

Obesity and Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamins are vital to the enzyme pathways that make our bodies metabolize food into energy. You may think that people who take vitamins are crazy or hypochondriacs, but it is a valid truth that vitamins are vital to the enzyme[...]

Are Suntans and Sun Exposure as Unhealthy as we have been Taught?

The Many Health Benefits of Sun Exposure. The material for this Healthcast comes from a magazine article in the magazine Outside, written by Rowan Jacobsen, January 10, 2019. Did you know that vitamin D is made by your body in[...]

Blood Clots, Strokes, and Testosterone

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the FDA's decision to mandate a warning label that testosterone replacement causes heart attacks and strokes, and the validity of that claim. As of June 20, 2014 the FDA is requiring testosterone prescriptions[...]

Testosterone Replacement Headlines: Can They Be Trusted?

This week, Brett Newcomb and I are once again examining the news media and the way that they present information about medical research and medical progress, often through misleading headlines. Last month, Dr. Andrew Kates—a cardiologist at Washington University—published an[...]