CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Insurance Companies’ Category
You Better Get Healthy, Because Illness Costs Too Much!
How do insurance and pharmaceutical companies decide what to charge for prescription drugs? How do insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies make the decisions they make? How do they decide which medicines to provide and what to charge for them? How[...]
Thoughts on Changing the Healthcare System – Part 2
For a healthy medical system, we need to establish universal health care without the insurance companies, or reconstruct medical care and insurance by controlling the profits One of two health care systems is needed. 1) Establish universal health care without[...]
Your Insurance Company Plays Doctor – Without a License
I know in the state of Missouri, the insurers have no license to practice medicine, but they do anyway and we as a community let them. Yesterday I spent the day writing letters to insurance companies to try to get[...]
Obamacare Part 2
How the Insurance Companies Regulate and Control Medical Care Brett Newcomb and I continue our discussions about the state of the medical system in the United States today. We talk about how pharmacies work with insurance companies to fill (or[...]