CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Iodine’ Category

How your breast and thyroid fight over iodine.

You probably have never heard of the need for Iodine, but it is vital to human life. Ref: Brownstein D. Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. Medical Alternatives Press, West Bloomfield, MI; 2004. Women’s Pharmacy Newsletter. Iodine[...]

Lower your blood pressure, your blood sugar, relax, and sleep better with one important mineral – Magnesium

When we start viewing food as fuel and nutrition and less as “fun” and emotional security, we will all be healthier. Our bodies are primarily water, sea water specifically, and supplying our bodies with the water (H2O) and the minerals[...]

How Dr. Maupin Treats Thyroid Disease

Thyroid function is absolutely necessary to be well and age in a healthy manner. In the face of how mainstream medicine has set the system to NOT diagnose hypothyroidism, I am criticized daily for diagnosing hypothyroidism in my office for[...]

Why Most Doctors Get Thyroid Treatment Wrong

Why don’t all doctors take the same approach when diagnosing and treating thyroid issues? #1 Doctors Look at the Wrong Hormone to Determine Thyroid Activity Thyroid replacement is a difficult process primarily because doctors have been trained for decades to[...]