CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘jama’ Category

Hormone Therapy and Long Term Mortality

Exciting new article on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in The Journal of the American Medical Association. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association is one of the major pieces of literature that doctors read to obtain new information about[...]

Personalized Medicine vs. Guideline-based Medicine

This week, Brett Newcomb and I discuss the differences in two different approaches to medicine and patient care. We discuss which is preferable between medicine that is personalized, and medicine that is directed by guidelines and hierarchically-mandated standards. Which of[...]

Testosterone Replacement Headlines: Can They Be Trusted?

This week, Brett Newcomb and I are once again examining the news media and the way that they present information about medical research and medical progress, often through misleading headlines. Last month, Dr. Andrew Kates—a cardiologist at Washington University—published an[...]