So many Americans struggle with their weight. Those who are identified as obese experience physical problems and social problems. They are subject to bullying and shaming and often are discounted in job markets and struggle with self-esteem.
There is an entire market strata that depends on trying to help these individuals lose weight and regain self-esteem. There are diets, exercise plans, medicines, coaches, doctors, surgeries, and a myriad of theories about weight loss.
Many of these approaches are not helpful or are not helpful enough. We think the reason that they do not work has to do with an improper foundation. It is possible to create an exercise and diet plan that makes perfect intellectual and physiological sense. If someone could just follow it, they could expect great results. Why then, do they not work? It is because they are built on an improper foundation. The foundation necessary for healthy weight loss that will be successful and last, needs to be built on a solid foundation. This foundation is having the right balance of hormones and neurotransmitters.
If your hormone balance is where it needs to be and you have an adequate kind and distribution of neurotransmitters, your body will be able to follow your plans and lose weight and you will be able to keep the weight off as long as you continue your program.
It is after you have achieved the correct balance among hormones and neurotransmitters that you can utilize diet programs, exercise programs and counseling to good effect. Learning new skill sets for selecting a diet and following it, and learning a safe and doable exercise routine are much more likely to work for you if your hormones are in balance. Getting counseling to learn about self esteem and self image correction leading to happy self acceptance will work with enduring benefits if your foundation of hormonal balance has been established. It is still difficult to do and to stick with, but it becomes capable of doing. Here is what we recommend:
- get your hormones balanced and your neurotransmitters balanced by using the correct supplements and treatments. You will need to see a physician who knows about this kind of medicine.
- Engage a monitoring health professional in your diet and exercise treatment plan, one that understands metabolism and can offer advice about what will work for your particular metabolism.
- Engage a professional who has a non judgmental attitude about you and who can help you develop such an attitude about yourself
- Establish a protocol that requires accountability to someone for your weight loss and behavior patterns, someone capable of explaining your program in ways that help you achieve your goals
- Establish a linear sequenced plan for success in small steps. No Magic
- If necessary use real medicines to stimulate your metabolism
- Eat real food, not power shakes or total reliance on a single kind of food or a single behavior. You need balance, plan for it, work for it, achieve it.
This Health cast was written and presented by Dr. Kathy Maupin, M.D., Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Expert and Author, with Brett Newcomb, MA., LPC., Family Counselor, Presenter and Author.