Theories of Addiction Treatment
The treatment of addiction has grown beyond just alcohol and drugs. In the early days of addiction treatment, the focus was on alcohol and drugs. The theories about what was going on with the patient and why, focused on the[...]
Clinical Treatment for Post-Menopausal Bleeding
Postmenopausal bleeding is defined as uterine bleeding after a woman has been menopausal for a year or more. Before menopause women have periods every 21-30 days, or monthly. Most women can anticipate when they are going to have a period[...]
Chronic, Severe, Treatment Resistant Depression, What You Need to Know!
Dr. Maupin and Brett Discuss Different Treatment Options for Severe Depression. Talk therapy is a standard treatment for depression. Often depression is treated with a type of drug called an SSRI (a serotonin reuptake inhibitor). There are many of these[...]
Got Testosterone? – A New Book by Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb
Got Testosterone? - A book for men, and the women who love them. 4 years ago, we wrote a book called The Secret Female Hormone, after almost 30 years as a gynecologist Dr. Maupin had a personal experience of the[...]
Are you depressed? Do you have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
Seasonal Depression Symptoms and Treatment Options. Seasonal Affective Disorder, (SAD), is a form or type of depression. It happens in a recurring pattern either at the beginning of winter or at the beginning of summer. Such a diagnosis must meet[...]
Skinny Fat – Are You Losing Your Mind?
Do you fear you will lose your capacity to think quickly, and to remember the facts that have been important to you personally and professionally? One of my greatest fears is that as I age I will lose my capacity[...]
Low Dose Naltrexone and Depression
How to recognize different types of depression, and how medicine addresses these deficiencies. This may seem like a doctor problem and not a patient problem, but I think understanding the key differences in types of depression can guide patients to[...]
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder might be an Advantage in the 21st Century
ADHD and ADD - Similarities and Differences Explained. Many of us grew up in an era where the diagnosis of ADD and ADHD was not yet established. So many of us, especially boys, who were identified as difficult children with[...]
Treating The Help Rejecting Complainer
Do you know someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder? There are established ideas about the best course of treatment. There are vigorous discussions among clinicians about the need for and the relevance of diagnostic labels. Arguments are focused on the idea[...]
Sex and Depression
What to do if you are depressed, on medicines for depression, and are experiencing side effects? Last week we talked about orgasm and depression. We discussed what depression is and how it impacts your ability to desire sex and or[...]