CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘bioidentical hormone pellets’ Category

Statins: Should You Use Them?

Can Taking Statins Prevent a Heart Attack? When Statin drugs were first prescribed, they were prescribed for those people who had already had a first heart attack in the hopes of preventing a second event. The thinking was that Statin[...]

Managing Raynaud’s Disease With Testosterone

Successfully treating women who have autoimmune diseases with testosterone pellets can improve their Raynaud’s disease. Raynaud’s Disease (RD) or Syndrome is one of the diseases I learned about in medical school (40 years ago). As medical students typically do, we[...]

Body Composition – The InBody Machine – Part I of II

Body composition is a measurement that is reflective of your health and exercise status. This week we are going to be discussing some of the amazing new technologies that allow us to know more precisely and specifically what is going[...]

What to do When Your Doctors Disagree

What to do when your family doctor has not helped you with your symptoms of menopause or low testosterone? What should you do when you go to your family doctor who has not helped you with your symptoms of menopause[...]

Case Study of a Menopausal Female Patient

Dr. Maupin discuses her treatment approach for a female menopausal patient. The patient is a 60 year old Caucasian female. She reports that she is having difficulty staying focused and multitasking. She is menopausal but still has her ovaries and[...]

Male Case Study for Doctors and the General Public

Dr. Maupin's discusses her approach to Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy at BioBalance Health. Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb are taking the opportunity in this Healthcast to explain the diagnostic and troubleshooting steps that Dr. Maupin uses to evaluate patients to see[...]

Build Muscle and Improve Your Health. The Benefits Associated with Resistance Exercise.

Replacing testosterone builds muscle mass, but for optimal results the human body requires resistance exercise and a diet with enough protein to build muscle tissue. The primary service provided at BioBalance Health is individual health assessment and administration of bio-identical[...]

Three Tricks that Make Male Testosterone Therapy Safer and More Effective

Why testosterone therapy is safe and effective for men. It is easy to prescribe testosterone in any form to men, in fact much easier than prescribing it to women.  The reasons for this situation range from the many choices in[...]

Losing your life to save the cost of a Starbucks a day

Losing your life to save the cost of a Starbucks a day. So many times I find myself talking to one of my patients who hadn’t come to see me for quite a while. When I ask them why they[...]

Troubleshooting Testosterone Replacement Issues

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss troubleshooting 10 of the most common testosterone replacement issues that arise when patients receive bioidentical hormone pellets. They also discuss how treatment is customized to meet the individual patient's needs and expectations. This week[...]