CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Dr. Kathy Maupin’ Category

Cholesterol doesn’t Mean a Thing: A picture is worth a Thousand Words

What your Cholesterol level does and does not tell you about potential cardiovascular issues It would seem from the marketing that high cholesterol leads to heart disease, but it does not. Everyone gets very excited about high cholesterol findings on[...]

Troubleshooting Testosterone Pellets for Women

Questions and Answers for Women Seeking Information on Testosterone Replacement with Pellets. In April 2019, Dr. Maupin will be presenting to the national convention of AMMG (Age Management Medicine Group). This is a convention that she and her staff have[...]

The Myths of Testosterone Pellet Insertions

Testosterone Replacement with Pellets Myths - Explained. There are many myths floating around the medical community regarding hormone replacement with testosterone pellets. On this weeks’ podcast, Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss those myths and challenge incorrect thinking. It is[...]

Anti-Aging Medicine and Peptides

How does Hormone Replacement Therapy and Peptides Work Together to make you Healthy? Why do peptides need replacement as we age? Peptides production in the body, are at their peak when we are in our youthful fertile years, between 12[...]

A New Anti-Aging Treatment Called Peptides

What are Peptides, and how they can help improve your health? At BioBalance we treat our patients for the symptoms and diseases of aging first with Testosterone and or Estradiol Pellets and Lifestyle changes as the basis of our therapy. [...]

Watch out – All Testosterone Pellets are not the Same!

Testosterone pellets can be powder or micronized. What's the difference, and which is better? I was asked to sit on a panel of experts at the Age Management Medicine Conference and while I was answering questions, one of the experts[...]

Sex – Female Sexual Malfunctions

90% of Female Sexual Dysfunction is Due to Low Testosterone and or Low Estrogen. This week we are discussing what happens when women have sexual problems. In our society, women are messaged to believe that sexual issues are things that[...]

Replacement of Testosterone Does More Than Treat Specific Symptoms

What does "Normal" really mean when looking at you blood test results? We often speak in terms of something being normal for men of our ages. Lab tests return results in terms of a comparison to “Normal”. What does this[...]

Estheticians and what they do at BioBalance Skin

Introducing Esthetician Dawn Miller who specializes in acne, brown spots, blemishes, wrinkles, and fine lines around the eyes and forehead. We welcome Ms. Dawn Miller today to speak with us about her work as an esthetician at BioBalance Skin. She[...]

Fillers, Injections, and Threading. Learn from an Expert at BioBalance Skin.

BioBalance Skin Welcomes our New Expert Injector (Dana Whalen), and new services like Threading, and Hair Restoration. This week we are introducing Ms Dana Whalen, a Nurse Injector at BioBalance Skin. We are speaking with her about the skills she[...]