CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘healthcare’ Category
Do You Feel Dismissed by Your Doctor?
You don't have to put up with doctors who don't take your issues seriously. Every day in my office I hear horror stories about how my female patients are dismissed by the doctors they trusted to help them resolve their[...]
How American Medicine Changes its Mind About What is Good for You
Dr. Maupin discusses the evolution of American medicine. In the history of medicine over the last 2 centuries there have been many changes in the recommendations given to patients by their doctors. In general, to change the way medicine is[...]
Doctor’s Appointments – How to Get What You Need
How to get the most from the visit with your doctor. Many people don’t get what they need from their doctor’s office appointment in this modern age of 10-minute doctor visits. They complain about it but don’t know how fix[...]
Democrats are having the wrong Healthcare Debate
Current issues with Healthcare in America. This week’s conversation is based on an article which appeared in the New York Times on August 2 of 2019. The article was an essay by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a physician and the provost[...]
What can, or should we do to control drug prices?
Always ask your pharmacist how much your medicine will cost if you pay cash. Drug prices seem to be like the weather. Everyone complains about them but no one does anything about them. This a very complicated multilayered problem for[...]
The Cash Only Practice of Medicine
Some doctors are attempting to find ways to make a living and provide appropriate healthcare to their patients Doctors, while making up an important segment of the healthcare system in the United States, are not mass produced widgets. They are[...]
The American Sugar Conspiracy That Is Killing Us
It is not an accident that the US has the fattest sickest adults in the world and our government's paternalistic approach has put the economic interests of an economic segment above the health of private citizens. All Americans have been[...]
The Cost of Healthcare
Healthcare cost, who decides: Doctors? Insurers? Regulators? People? Please email your thoughts to [email protected]. As a general rule, discussions about the cost of health care are focused on particular treatments that you or a loved one might need or be[...]
Communicating With Your Body
Medical Professionals learn, observe, and use the body language of their patients to diagnose and treat what is really going on. Body language, medical history, and verbal communication combine to present a more accurate picture than any single element doctors[...]
5 Strategies for Surviving the Emergency Room
Because of your ER doctor’s difficult work environment, it is important for you, the patient, to know what conditions should make you go to the emergency room, as well as how to navigate the process and come out on the[...]