CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘hormones’ Category

Challenges facing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

There are several forces working against the success of bio-identical hormone replacement for women, which break down into three areas: The FDA/U.S. Government’s bias toward drugs made by pharmaceutical companies and drugs that benefit men; MDs, and to a lesser[...]

Cost Comparison of Bioidentical Hormone Treatments

Comparing prices for BioBalance Health bioidentical hormone replacement with other forms of bioidentical hormones is like comparing apples to oranges. In terms of effect and bringing you back to your younger health and libido, there truly is no comparison between[...]

The Women’s Health Initiative

All Estrogens are not the same and Provera (progestin) is the real bad guy. The Women’s Health Initiative, (WHI), is a study released in 2001, and is a good example of how the government skews data to support their cost-cutting[...]

What are BioBalance Pellets?

BioBalance pellets are made from yams and soy by a compounding pharmacy. They are pure and are absorbed secondary to the blood flow around the pellet. When your body is working hard, you need more hormone, so more is absorbed.[...]