CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘insulin resistance’ Category

What to Replace Simple Sugars with for Weight Loss and Building Muscle

What are simple sugars, and why are they bad for you? There are almost as many different human metabolic variations as there are people in the world.  Our genetics make us all unique in ways that vary the way we[...]

Weight Loss Secrets: Drinking Alcohol Counteracts Fat Loss

Drinking alcohol while you are attempting to lose weight will block fat loss and sabotage any diet plan! Introduction: For many years I have advised my patients to abstain from alcohol while they are working on losing fat and to[...]

Men’s Hormones Testosterone and Estradiol: How Testosterone and Anastrozole Pellets Create the Healthiest Hormone Environment in Men.

How Important is it to use Testosterone and Anastrozole in pellet form when treating men? This week we are looking at the concept of homeostasis. The question is how we get our bodies (in particular our hormones) to balance properly[...]

These are the Factors Leading to Heart Disease

Cardiac disease is not the only thing that results from plaque formation There are many factors that affect the development of cardiac disease, including: ObesityAdult onset DiabetesLow thyroidLack of exerciseInflammationSmokingDrinkingLow TMenopauseInsulin resistanceHeredity In my practice I begin by normalizing the[...]

Calorie Counting – Are All Calories Created Equal?

Why can I eat the same calories but at different times, and get different results? The primary service provided at BioBalance Health is the assessment and administration of Hormone Balance for those who have lost some of their natural hormones.[...]

Pre-diabetes in Menopausal Women

BioBalance Health has always understood the relationship between a Low SHBG, and Insulin Resistance, Obesity and Diabetes. We always evaluate this in your initial and followup bloodwork and manage the Insulin Resistance, which is a pre-diabetic sign, as well as[...]