CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Migraine Headaches’ Category
Testosterone Treats Unexpected Diseases and Symptoms
You get so much more than a good sex life when you replace your Testosterone. Testosterone treats many illnesses in addition to sexual dysfunction. Most patients and doctors don’t associate testosterone with the anxiety and depression that occurs after age[...]
The Myths of Testosterone Pellet Insertions
Testosterone Replacement with Pellets Myths - Explained. There are many myths floating around the medical community regarding hormone replacement with testosterone pellets. On this weeks’ podcast, Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss those myths and challenge incorrect thinking. It is[...]
Migraine Headaches and Hormone Imbalance
Migraines causes by low testosterone can be treated with bioidentical hormones. Download the transcription of this podcast. On episode 33 of the BioBalance Healthcast we talk about the type of migraine headaches that are caused by hormonal imbalance. Brett Newcomb[...]