CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘t-pellets’ Category

Vast Difference Between the Benefits of Different Types of Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone Replacement Treatments Are All Different and Each Form of T replacement Has Its Own Benefits and Risks The Problem: I see women and men every day who are deficient in their own production of testosterone because of age, testicular[...]

Why blood test of testosterone and free testosterone alone don’t reveal how you will respond to hormones.

Every person is an individual and each person makes hormones based on their genetic map and environment. At Bio Balance Health I order blood tests to evaluate my future patients before I even have my first appointment with them.  I[...]

What is your Excuse for Refusing Estradiol and or Testosterone Replacement?

The list of benefits continues to grow when replacing your hormones (Testosterone and Estradiol). Are you menopausal and have any of the following symptoms? Hot Flashes Night Sweats Dry Vagina Painful intercourse Dry skin Lack of sex drive Lack of[...]

Men: Testosterone Gel, Patches, and Creams Don’t Work! Try T Pellets and Enjoy the Difference.

Not all testosterone delivery methods deliver the same result. My medical practice at BioBalance® Health brings me many interesting issues that my patients have had to struggle with, before they finally come to me for T Pellets. The latest complaint[...]

Unexpected Benefits of Testosterone and Estradiol Pellets in Women – Part II

Women don't have to live with all the symptoms of aging. Hormone replacement can be the answer. Most women believe that the only reason to start taking estradiol when menopause begins is to decrease hot flashes and night sweats.  But[...]

Post Pellet Instructions and the Possible Side Effects

Women’s Instructions After Hormone Pellets BioBalance Health® pellets are very safe and not painful to have inserted. They are also the easiest form of hormone replacement a woman can have because the dose is adapted every 4 months and our[...]

Orgasm: Where Have You Gone?

How replacing and balancing your hormones impacts your ability to have an orgasm. I spent the first half of my medical life as a gynecologist trying to figure out why my patients would come to my office asking what was[...]

What makes us heal after injury or surgery?

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid and is necessary for healthy healing. Recently I had a shoulder replacement that went according to plan, and I healed amazingly fast. Of course, my surgeon was excellent, and he gave me preoperative instructions that[...]

Testosterone Replacement Is the Secret Ingredient to Reverse Aging

The recipe to reverse aging includes hormone replacement, diet and exercise optimization, and supplementation of necessary nutrients. There is an increase in medical news and research articles that talk about what aging Americans can do to delay the symptoms and[...]

Don’t stop medical treatment when it is working!

Just how important is it to take all the medicine prescribed to you? I often see patients at the office who come back to get BBH Pellets after a hiatus of months to years, that they tell me waiting was[...]