CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘testosterone replacement’ Category

Watch out – All Testosterone Pellets are not the Same!

Testosterone pellets can be powder or micronized. What's the difference, and which is better? I was asked to sit on a panel of experts at the Age Management Medicine Conference and while I was answering questions, one of the experts[...]

Testosterone Pellets and the Illnesses of Aging

What diseases can be delayed or avoided if I take Testosterone Pellets? One question we regularly hear at BioBalance Health is: What diseases can be delayed or avoided if I take Testosterone Pellets?  In discussing this question with our patients,[...]

Testosterone Replacement After Having Prostate Cancer

If a man obtains testosterone replacement therapy, does it increase their likelihood to develop Prostate Cancer? For many years doctors were trained and believed that if a man obtained testosterone replacement therapy, it would lead to an increase in the[...]

FAQ’s From Men About Testosterone Replacement

What do men want to know when considering testosterone replacement? This week we are beginning a new feature that we will revisit from time to time, we are looking at frequently asked questions. What do men want to know when[...]

The Biggest Risk of Estrogen Replacement is Uterine Bleeding

Dr. Maupin and Brett Explain Menopause, Estrogen, and Uterine Bleeding. Women who have gone through menopause and still have a uterus, experience the loss of estrogen. If they then decide to obtain estrogen replacement, they will begin to have bleeding[...]

Frequently Asked Questions by Women

Dr. Maupin and Brett address the concerns women have when pursuing hormone replacement therapy. This week we are taking an opportunity to discuss the most frequently asked questions from women who are considering Hormone Replacement Therapy from BioBalance Health. These[...]

Replacement of Testosterone Does More Than Treat Specific Symptoms

What does "Normal" really mean when looking at you blood test results? We often speak in terms of something being normal for men of our ages. Lab tests return results in terms of a comparison to “Normal”. What does this[...]

FAQ’s for Men Requiring Testosterone with Pellets

What men want to know about testosterone replacement. This week we are beginning a new feature that we will revisit from time to time, we are looking at frequently asked questions. What do men want to know when they come[...]

Balancing the Most Common Side Effect of Testosterone Replacement – Facial Hair

Dr. Maupin and Brett discuss options for dealing with unwanted facial hair. Susan is a fairly new patient for me came in for her follow up patient visit after 3.5 months of estradiol and testosterone pellet treatment.  She should be[...]

Testosterone Deficiency Can Cause Chronic Diseases

Why we should replace testosterone to prevent the diseases that kill us. One of the major conflicts in modern medicine is the argument on whether the historical approach of fighting and treating specific symptomatology is the best approach for medicine[...]