CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘the secret female hormone’ Category

BioBalance Training For Doctors In Your Area

What is included in the two days of BioBalance training in St. Louis, MO with Doctors Maupin and Sullivan. BIOBALANCE HEALTH TWO -DAY TRAING PROGRAM Shadowing Drs. Maupin and Sullivan We are excited to announce the beginning of an efficient[...]

Treating The Help Rejecting Complainer

Do you know someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder? There are established ideas about the best course of treatment. There are vigorous discussions among clinicians about the need for and the relevance of diagnostic labels. Arguments are focused on the idea[...]

Why You May Want To Stay On Your Antidepressant

Depression, Bipolar Disorder and PTSD. How Repeated Bouts Off Medication Cause More Severe Episodes in the Future. An article in Aeon recently called The Kindled Brain, caused me to rethink my theory that once my patients received testosterone for 4-6[...]

Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Even if you have normal lab scores, you may still have symptoms that cause you discomfort or distress, and you may still be sick. There are major disagreements over the practice of medicine and the way it is done in[...]

Hormone Therapy and Long Term Mortality

Exciting new article on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in The Journal of the American Medical Association. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association is one of the major pieces of literature that doctors read to obtain new information about[...]

You Better Get Healthy, Because Illness Costs Too Much!

How do insurance and pharmaceutical companies decide what to charge for prescription drugs? How do insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies make the decisions they make? How do they decide which medicines to provide and what to charge for them?  How[...]

Physicians Posing as Hormone Pellet Experts

How much experience does your doctor have in hormone replacement? Dr. Maupin has been primarily focused on Hormone Replacement in her practice of Medicine for nearly fourteen years. In the beginning she was accused of quackery by other physicians. Fourteen[...]

Sex and Depression

What to do if you are depressed, on medicines for depression, and are experiencing side effects? Last week we talked about orgasm and depression. We discussed what depression is and how it impacts your ability to desire sex and or[...]

Managing Raynaud’s Disease With Testosterone

Successfully treating women who have autoimmune diseases with testosterone pellets can improve their Raynaud’s disease. Raynaud’s Disease (RD) or Syndrome is one of the diseases I learned about in medical school (40 years ago). As medical students typically do, we[...]

Case Study of a Menopausal Female Patient

Dr. Maupin discuses her treatment approach for a female menopausal patient. The patient is a 60 year old Caucasian female. She reports that she is having difficulty staying focused and multitasking. She is menopausal but still has her ovaries and[...]