CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘the secret female hormone’ Category

Dr. Maupin’s Lecture to Other Doctors – Why Women Need Testosterone Part II

Find out about the best testosterone treatment that I have used in the last 40 years. My lecture to the AMMG group of Integrative doctors and other medical professionals Not only was my lecture meant to convince other doctors to[...]

Dr. Maupin’s Lecture to Other Doctors – Why Women Need Testosterone.

Testosterone is the one hormone that gives women back their youth. I gave a lecture to the doctors, and other medical professionals, at the AMMG medical conference. My lecture’s purpose was to confirm and impress the vital need for women[...]

Dr. Maupin Radio Interview with Dave Glover

Dr. Maupin explains to Dave Glover the treatment philosophy and approach, available only at BioBalance Health and BioBalance Skin. Dave Glover, the most listened to talk radio voice in the Midwest, invited me on his show last week to talk[...]

Orgasm: Where Have You Gone?

How replacing and balancing your hormones impacts your ability to have an orgasm. I spent the first half of my medical life as a gynecologist trying to figure out why my patients would come to my office asking what was[...]

Testosterone Replacement Is the Secret Ingredient to Reverse Aging

The recipe to reverse aging includes hormone replacement, diet and exercise optimization, and supplementation of necessary nutrients. There is an increase in medical news and research articles that talk about what aging Americans can do to delay the symptoms and[...]

Menopause Causes Insomnia and Sleep Apnea, if you don’t replace Testosterone and Estradiol

The importance of replacing your testosterone and estradiol after menopause. My of my patients who are listing their symptoms of menopause and low testosterone invariably check the box next to INSOMNIA. In addition to insomnia, they tell me that it[...]

The Thyroid Myth that Doctors Still Believe

The thyroid gland is the most important gland to human life.   I have had hypothyroidism since I was 23, so I have had an interest in the thyroid gland, how it works and what treatments work and which ones[...]

Got Testosterone? – A New Book by Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb

Got Testosterone? - A book for men, and the women who love them. 4 years ago, we wrote a book called The Secret Female Hormone, after almost 30 years as a gynecologist Dr. Maupin had a personal experience of the[...]

Testosterone Pellets and the Illnesses of Aging

What diseases can be delayed or avoided if I take Testosterone Pellets? One question we regularly hear at BioBalance Health is: What diseases can be delayed or avoided if I take Testosterone Pellets?  In discussing this question with our patients,[...]

Women, Testosterone Pellets, and Good Health

How can hormone replacement for women positively impact their health? Women are concerned when they think about testosterone pellets and whether or not these pellets will lead to weight gain for them. They think this because they have heard somewhere[...]