CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘type 2 diabetes’ Category
Top 10 Big Ideas – How To Detox From Sugar
We now know that Fat is not the thing we should be most concerned about in our diets, it is sugar. We want to express our appreciation to Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D. as we are using much of his research[...]
Testosterone Deficiency Can Cause Chronic Diseases
Why we should replace testosterone to prevent the diseases that kill us. One of the major conflicts in modern medicine is the argument on whether the historical approach of fighting and treating specific symptomatology is the best approach for medicine[...]
The Five Most Common Problems In Patients With Low Testosterone
Replacing Testosterone Is The Foundation To Good Health After Age 50. New patients rarely come to the BioBalance Health office with just low testosterone. I find that if at the request of a patient I only replace their low testosterone[...]
Postmenopausal Women Taking Metformin For Diabetes Are At Lower Risk For Breast Cancer
Estrogen Treatment is not a risk for breast cancer even though many women and their doctors have believed this mis-information for years. New studies in Europe, conclude what has already been proven in the US. I have always wondered how[...]
Triglycerides and the Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic
Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the considerations in our diet that help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. Did you know that the fat you eat in your diet is not the fat you need to worry about?[...]
The Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic
Learning how to avoid diabetes as you age In this episode of the BioBalance Healthcast Dr. Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss why diabetes has become so common in the past decade. They present realities of unhealthy lifestyle choices as young[...]