Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the challenges that their practices face in relation to other physicians’ preconceptions of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
One of the more frustrating aspects of my work is how slowly we make progress in convincing other physicians that what we are doing should be the preferred method of treatment for the loss of hormones that accompanies aging. Daily, we are reminded of the many benefits that women experience with bio-identical testosterone pellet therapy. This physiological hormone replacement is capable of reducing many of the medical issues that come with aging and preventing the majority of aging-related diseasesâthat are often considered untreatable and unavoidable. By replacing testosterone in women over 40, we can avoid the overwhelming amount of medicines and medical treatments, which decreases the cost of remaining healthy.
We are all going to age and eventually become ill and die. It is not absolutely necessary, however, that we develop debilitating diseases and suffer from a loss of independence, movement, and capacity.
I am not the only doctor my patients see. They go to other specialists and primary-care doctors. My preventive medicine practice is quite unique and I treat my patients with hormones and supplements that help their primary care doctors take care of them. Unfortunately, most primary care doctors do not regard this treatment as a way to improve their patients’ lives but often feel it is a challenge to their own care. Rarely do they ask me for information about hormone replacement, but they generally discount me and my therapy out of ignorance. I warn my patients that this might happen and that they may have to stand up for themselves and their choice of therapy. Having said that, many of my patients report to their doctors that they have improved to such a level on bio-identical hormone replacement therapies that they no longer require treatment for many of the medical problems that they were once treated for by their primary care physician. They no longer need to take drugs for the illnesses of agingâhigh blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and auto-immune disordersâand their quality of life has improved to the point that they no longer need constant care for chronic illnesses. If a group of patients came to me with a treatment that provided health to my sick patients, I would investigate this treatment. However, most doctors get angry, call me names and allow their arrogance to cloud their desire to heal patients.
Even though it is illogical to tell a patient who is dramatically better without any side effects that a treatment “will kill them,â Iâve had patients tell me that that is what their doctors have said. The response of this particular patient was to never see that physician again. Patients understand results and value being healthy, but many of their doctors don’t give them credit to make the judgement between a good and effective doctor and one who is immobilized by what he does not know or understand. The doctors who are critical of hormone replacement, diet and exercise, as well as supplements that improve health are just hammering the nails into their own coffin when they criticize the pathway to obvious health and quality life.
Even doctors save time by just reading the headlines about “androgens” that are misused by young men. By doing so, they just perpetuate the fear of the natural hormone testosterone, and the need for replacement of this vital hormone as we age. They scare potential BioBalance patients and set them up for the same diseases they accuse testosterone of causing, by scaring them away from testosterone replacement. When asked to support their views, they canât, or they state the fateful phrase “there is no research to support this.â That is when you know a doctor or an “expertâ on television is wrong: there is plenty of research that substantiates replacing testosterone. It is also confirmed by my own success with thousands of patients over the last ten years.
Doctors who still refuse estrogen to women in menopause have most likely not read any research in the last ten years. If this is the case for this field, then it is my opinion that they are probably not abreast of recent research in any field, considering that being up to date is a full-time commitment.
Clearly, I am frustrated because physicians like me are trying to provide health to women and men who are aging. We come under fire and so do our patients. It is a rare doctor who realizes that not providing a necessary treatment is as dangerous as providing an unnecessary treatment. It is a legal term called ânegligence through omission.â When you are belittled by a doctor who refuses you hormones after menopause, or verbally abuses you for seeking the treatment you need, you should leave and find a doctor who is interested in your health and happiness.
Before I found testosterone pellets, my experience was repeatedly negative when I tried to find a doctor to treat my menopausal symptoms. I found that many specialistsâeven at the most prestigious universitiesâare too busy to listen to symptom complaints of their patients. This hinders their ability to treat a patient in need. They ignore the vital symptoms, and instead blame the patient for not exercising, eating right, orâworse yetâfor being old and over-reaching for a healthy life. I was dismissed, treated like an old woman at 47, told I should suck it up even when I could not function at work or home. These are the same doctors who are “embarrassed” by the fact that some other doctor made you feel better. It is about hubris, and it is not your problem so you should walk out and find another answer. Don’t take their assessment to heart. These doctors made me mad enough to find an answer. Maybe I should thank them.
Please help me educate your physicians. Give them copies of my book, go on my website and find the research that is posted there that examines the impact of testosterone and other hormone replacements therapies on literally dozens of the illnesses of aging. Become advocates for your own care and challenge them appropriately (with respect for their training) to help them be open enough to look at the facts.
As you listen to this podcast you will hear many stories that may replicate your own experience in attempting to find relief. Please read my book and check the information readily available to all on my web sites. Advocate for change and progress in your own care. It will save you money, time, and pain.