What can a person do to increase their chances of being protected by an immunization?

How to boost your immune system so that you are less likely to get a virus. Two weeks ago we talked about how a vaccination works in your body to create immunity to a virus. Last week we discussed the[...]

Viruses & Immunization: Who is at the Highest Risk of not Responding to Immunizations and getting COVID?

Your best chance of a successful immunization is having robust health, ideal weight, and good testosterone levels. There are known risks for individuals not responding to a vaccine e.g. Covid.   The factors that are key to responding to a vaccine[...]

Belly Fat, is it forever? How to get your flat belly back with lifestyle and exercise changes.

The right diet, exercise, and vitamins are the key elements to losing belly fat. While you cannot fight your genetics or your past medical history anymore, you must take action as soon as possible to lose belly fat, improve your[...]

Why are you getting belly fat?

No one escapes the aging process and the deposition of belly fat, without replacing testosterone. The most frequent question asked by my patients, both women and men, the first time they see me is, “Why is my belly getting bigger?[...]

Our Most Frequent Questions…about Uterine bleeding while on Estradiol Pellets

“I am post-Menopausal, so why do I have uterine bleeding?” Q: Why do I have to take Progesterone every night? Post-menopausal bleeding is one of the side effects of any estrogen replacement therapy, including estradiol pellets. We can prevent break-through[...]

Low Testosterone Found to Result in More Severe Covid Infections

Washington University study shows men who have low Testosterone levels are associated with severe Covid infections. Welcome to the BioBalance Healthcast, I’m Dr. Kathy Maupin and my partner Dr. Rachel Sullivan, joins me today to discuss a new research finding[...]

Can Your Genetic Blueprint be Changed?

Our Genetic profile is a blueprint for our growth, development, health, talents, and esthetic looks. We all know that our genes and chromosomes are given to us at birth, are in each of our cells for our lifetime, and are[...]

The Roadblocks to Fat Loss – Losing Weight After 40

Today we will discuss the difference between fat loss and weight loss roadblocks. There are many roadblocks to fat loss for Americans and the list grows longer every day!  It is now wonder that we are an obese society with[...]

Weight Loss Secrets: Drinking Alcohol Counteracts Fat Loss

Drinking alcohol while you are attempting to lose weight will block fat loss and sabotage any diet plan! Introduction: For many years I have advised my patients to abstain from alcohol while they are working on losing fat and to[...]

Lowered Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer with Testosterone Implants

How can testosterone in pellet form can decrease the risk of breast cancer? One in eight women in North America are at risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. Research has shown that there are genetic factors as well[...]