There is hope for women with incontinence, urine loss and irritable bladder – it’s called Emsella®

We found a non-invasive way to treat urine loss in women! We made a discovery at the last AMMG anti-aging meeting in Dallas…we found a non-invasive way to treat urine loss in women!  It does much more than just treat[...]

A Specific Type of Fish Oil Can Treat Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease, Allergies, and Arteriosclerosis

How important is taking the right type of fish oil? Not all inflammation is damaging, however long-term inflammation can damage healthy tissue, create disease, allergies, and heart disease.  We know that a limited exposure to inflammation is needed to heal[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight – Reasons #8-15

Your medicines may be working against you when trying to lose weight. #8 You drink alcohol while you are dieting. Alcohol is a toxin, not a food and slows or stops weight loss. When you drink, your liver prioritizes your[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight #1-7

Working at being healthy is WORK! I have seen so many patients who come in for anti-aging Testosterone and estradiol who are 50-100% overweight and who do not follow my instructions for weight loss, that I am tired of talking[...]

Why you absolutely need to take oral Vitamin D3

What is the difference between vitamin D3 and vitamin D2? Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, as most people think, it is a HORMONE called Cholecalciferol that is required for general health, thick bones, for making muscle and your[...]

Why do you need a Colonoscopy? To make sure you don’t die of Colon Cancer!

90% of Colon cancers are diagnosed after age 50. Colon Cancer is the third most common malignancy in the US and is something you don’t want to get and there are many ways to test you to see if you[...]

Osteoporosis—Why do we look for new drugs when old hormones work well?

Women can’t rely on using supplements alone after age 40 to prevent Osteoporosis, testosterone and estradiol are also needed. Osteoporosis is a side effect of aging and is one of the diseases that affects aging women more than aging men. [...]

Testosterone Treats Unexpected Diseases and Symptoms

You get so much more than a good sex life when you replace your Testosterone. Testosterone treats many illnesses in addition to sexual dysfunction.  Most patients and doctors don’t associate testosterone with the anxiety and depression that occurs after age[...]

Obesity is the Enemy, when a Healthy Full Life is the Goal

Obesity can only be treated by and avoided by consciously eating a healthy diet. Last week we talked about obesity as the biggest risk to both individual health and to the overall health of Americans.  This is not fat shaming…this[...]

Obesity is the Biggest Threat to being Healthy in the US

Why is the obesity problem in America getting worse each year? WHO:  4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017 according to the global burden of disease. In 2016 1.9 billion adults[...]