CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘Bio-identical Hormone Replacement’ Category
Hysterectomy: What do you need to know?
There are three types of hysterectomies, vaginal, laparoscopic, and abdominal. Many factors must be considered to determine the best method. The word hysterectomy means removal of the womb. It means the uterus is taken out. Sometimes the cervix is also[...]
The Aging Female Face and How to Reverse the Process
One you understand the aging process of the face, you can take steps along the way to help reverse the process. Aging of the face is inevitable due to sun damage, environmental toxins, gravity, and loss of youthful hormones. Just[...]
The Distinctions Between Vasoconstrictors and Vasodilators
Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and your cardiovascular system. Learn what you can control. This week we are discussing the phenomena that as men age, they begin to experience concerns about the constancy and quality of their erections. There are medicines that[...]
Testosterone blood Levels don’t always indicate your need for testosterone
A man can have a normal Testosterone level and feel terrible, if he has a lot of Estrogen. I look at the metabolic activity of T in individuals as an interplay between blood levels of T and the receptor sites[...]
Gender Differences: Testosterone Production, Receptors, Blood Levels, and Activity
Genetics program each cell with receptors for Testosterone and how they will respond to the hormone. My medical practice and my research is based on the basic need for the hormone testosterone in both men and women as they age. [...]
Sarcopenic Obesity: What is it?
Your muscle structure will convert to fat unless you do something to enable your body to continue to make new muscle. Dr. Maupin’s office is dedicated to following current research in order to stay on the cutting edge of changes[...]
Women, Testosterone Pellets, and Good Health
How can hormone replacement for women positively impact their health? Women are concerned when they think about testosterone pellets and whether or not these pellets will lead to weight gain for them. They think this because they have heard somewhere[...]
Erectile Dysfunction and Testosterone Replacement
Questions men have about testosterone replacement, new findings regarding ED (Erectile Dysfunction), and treatment options. The first thing we discuss in this week’s Healthcast are the new findings regarding ED (Erectile Dysfunction) in men. We are learning more about what[...]
Low Dose Naltrexone and Depression
How to recognize different types of depression, and how medicine addresses these deficiencies. This may seem like a doctor problem and not a patient problem, but I think understanding the key differences in types of depression can guide patients to[...]
Breast Cancer Risk Is Higher in Women with Low Muscle Mass and High Percent Body Fat
Since the threat of estrogen replacement has been put to rest, women are asking, "What are the real risks of breast cancer?". Several articles have come to the fore in the last few months that focus on the risk of[...]