CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘bio-identical’ Category
Hormone Replacement FAQ Part 2
My patient's most frequently asked questions about bioidentical hormone replacement Episode 149 of the BioBalance Healthcast is the second in a series of two programs where we look at the most frequently asked questions we hear in my hormone replacement[...]
Hormone Replacement FAQ Part 1
Questions our hormone replacement patients ask. In episode 148 of the BioBalance Healthcast week we are talking about the questions patients frequently ask to determine if hormone replacement therapy is right for them. People come to BioBalance Health because they[...]
Andropause and Loss of Sex Drive (Libido)
For women who had a healthy sex drive before Andropause, the subtle loss of Libido is one of the most overwhelming changes that occurs in our thirties and forties. So many of my patients come to me crying because they[...]
What are BioBalance Pellets?
BioBalance pellets are made from yams and soy by a compounding pharmacy. They are pure and are absorbed secondary to the blood flow around the pellet. When your body is working hard, you need more hormone, so more is absorbed.[...]
What is BioBalance Health Bioidentical Hormone therapy?
Dr. Kathy Maupin's philosophy in medicine has always been to promote wellness in my patients, in the most natural way possible. BioBalance Health treatment is a unique way of diagnosing and treating andropause and menopause by replacing hormones with the[...]