CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘fibroids’ Category
The Progesterone IUD is a new prevention for Post-Menopausal Bleeding
IUD’s can be used for more than just birth control. Often in medicine, doctors discover a new use for an old treatment or a treatment that is approved for one use and serendipitously doctors find a new use for a[...]
Why does BioBalance Health® require a vaginal ultrasound before treating female patients?
What is a vaginal ultrasound so important before starting hormone replacement therapy? At BioBalance Health we use the information from a vaginal probe ultrasound, combined with information from your medical history questionnaire, and an extensive fasting blood panel to determine[...]
Fibroids are the most common cause of hysterectomy. But what are they?
Uterine Fibroids are the most common tumor in women world-wide. The most common cause of hysterectomy in women are benign masses that grow within the uterine wall. They occur in 4 out of 5 women, and they can be small[...]
Clinical Treatment for Post-Menopausal Bleeding
Postmenopausal bleeding is defined as uterine bleeding after a woman has been menopausal for a year or more. Before menopause women have periods every 21-30 days, or monthly. Most women can anticipate when they are going to have a period[...]
Arimidex®, An Aromatase Inhibitor, Is Not Just For Breast Cancer Anymore!
Aromatase inhibitors decrease estradiol/estrone blood levels and increase total and free testosterone. What is an AI? It stands for Aromatase Inhibitor. This group of medications is an enzyme blocker that slows or stops the conversion of Testosterone into Estrone and[...]
Sexual Diseases or Disorders where a Female would see a Gynecologists
The nerves that produce orgasm are not as most men think just in the clitoris, but there are a variety of nerves that lead from the spinal cord to areas of pleasure. At BioBalance we treat sexual dysfunction in both[...]
Sex – Female Sexual Malfunctions
90% of Female Sexual Dysfunction is Due to Low Testosterone and or Low Estrogen. This week we are discussing what happens when women have sexual problems. In our society, women are messaged to believe that sexual issues are things that[...]