CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘testosterone replacement therapy’ Category
A Case Study Of Hypothyroidism – Part 1 of 2
Dr Maupin's Approach to Diagnosing and Effectively Treating Hypothyroidism This week Brett Newcomb and Dr. Maupin present a case study on Hypothyroidism. This individual is a composite of a couple of clients who contacted Dr. Maupin over the internet. They[...]
Good News from the National Institute of Health about Testosterone Replacement
The benefits of testosterone replacement have been validated by the National Institute of Health. Like the Greek legend of Sisyphus, Dr. Maupin and I have been pushing the rock of Hormone Replacement up the hill of FDA resistance and the[...]
What Precludes Beginning Testosterone Replacement?
Prostate Cancer is a real and serious concern for men of a certain age. When we encounter men who are in denial about or resistant to this reality, it causes grave concern. What Precludes Beginning Testosterone Replacement? Current Untreated Prostate[...]
Do Women Need Testosterone?
Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the challenges that their practice faces as they try to apply the foremost research available to help their patients feel younger through testosterone replacement therapy. Women need and use testosterone for the same[...]