CATEGORY: Weight Loss

Testosterone Replacement Is the Secret Ingredient to Reverse Aging

The recipe to reverse aging includes hormone replacement, diet and exercise optimization, and supplementation of necessary nutrients. There is an increase in medical news and research articles that talk about what aging Americans can do to delay the symptoms and[...]

How your breast and thyroid fight over iodine.

You probably have never heard of the need for Iodine, but it is vital to human life. Ref: Brownstein D. Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It. Medical Alternatives Press, West Bloomfield, MI; 2004. Women’s Pharmacy Newsletter. Iodine[...]

How do Mitochondria get sick?

Prolonged exposure to free radicals leads to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. When the human body is exposed to radiation (even the sun), toxins, stress, unhealthy food, infection and extremes of temperature and physically stressful[...]

What are Mitochondria and What is their Importance to Our Health?

How you can you keep your Mitochondria healthy? Mitochondria are discussed in antiaging advertising like they are understood by the common man.  Even TV discussions and podcasts discuss mitochondria like we are all biology majors, but to most people mitochondria[...]

Metformin® is a Miracle Drug for Aging and Obese Patients

Your weight loss medicine may be helpful for other issues in addition to weight loss. One of my patients asked me why I was putting her on Metformin if she wasn’t really diabetic yet, another woman I was consulting on[...]

What BioBalance Health® Can do for you! Part II

BioBalance Health® can bring you back to health and prevent the diseases and symptoms of aging! At BioBalance Health our primary goal for our aging patients is to reverse the process of aging and treat their symptoms and body composition[...]

How BioBalance Health® Reverses Aging

Why BioBalance Health patients have such a high success rate. BioBalance Health LLC turns 20 this year!   We have been changing the lives of our patients for two decades. Every day I get amazing positive feedback, that makes me KNOW[...]

What is the optimal blood level for testosterone in women?

Why is the optimal testosterone level different from person to person? Women always ask about my goal for their blood level of free Testosterone after insertion of testosterone pellets.  That is a good question, and it is not easily answered.[...]

Dementia – How to avoid this end to your life.

What causes dementia and what increases your risk of getting dementia? At a get together of friends, I was pulled aside by a good friend who asked me how she could prevent dementia, because the mother she loves is in[...]

Possible Issues Related to the Insertion of Testosterone Pellets in Women

Make sure your hormone doctor is experienced, and concentrates on pellet therapy as their primary medical practice. Most of you know that when I replace Testosterone hormones for my female patients who lose testosterone as they age. I only used[...]