CATEGORY: Weight Loss

Possible Early Complaints after the Initial Testosterone Pellet insertion for Women

Dr. Maupin discusses the issues some women may have from testosterone replacement. Most of you know that when I replace hormones for my female patients, I only use bio-identical estradiol and testosterone in the form of long lasting (3-6 months) subcutaneous[...]

Why Do I Have to Take Supplements, and Diet and Exercise? I Just Want Hormones!

Dr. Maupin discusses her multi-dimensional approach to treating patients and making them healthy again. Biobalance Health began in 2002 as a medical practice that provides the best, most effective delivery system for testosterone replacement for men and both T and[...]

Genetics behind why some people develop “Long-Haulers” after Covid, and other people to not.

New study links genetics to vaccine effectiveness. (Quotes are from the 23 and me Blog. November 2021) Last week we talked about the research 23 and Me has done determining individual responses to the three Covid vaccine, based on the[...]

New BioBalance Skin Equipment that Builds Muscle and Melts Fat – Introducing the EmSculpt®

EmSculpt Includes two types of treatment that are used at the same time to provide two different benefits. Call BioBalance Skin to schedule your EmSculpt® appointment (314) 648-5710 EMSculpt-® is a new treatment for sculpting your body into the body[...]

Weight Loss Medications – The New Ones

The difference between the newly available weight loss drugs. Last week we reviewed the traditional weight loss medications that were used commonly before this very effective new class of weight loss drugs. Like most medications, drug companies’, researchers and doctors[...]

Weight Loss – What Medications Are Available?

Available prescription medications that can make weight loss, or rather fat loss, possible. During 2021 several new weight loss drugs have been approved by the FDA for weight loss.   The Lancet is a very well-respected medical journal and in December of[...]

There is hope for women with incontinence, urine loss and irritable bladder – it’s called Emsella®

We found a non-invasive way to treat urine loss in women! We made a discovery at the last AMMG anti-aging meeting in Dallas…we found a non-invasive way to treat urine loss in women!  It does much more than just treat[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight – Reasons #8-15

Your medicines may be working against you when trying to lose weight. #8 You drink alcohol while you are dieting. Alcohol is a toxin, not a food and slows or stops weight loss. When you drink, your liver prioritizes your[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight #1-7

Working at being healthy is WORK! I have seen so many patients who come in for anti-aging Testosterone and estradiol who are 50-100% overweight and who do not follow my instructions for weight loss, that I am tired of talking[...]

Hormone Replacement Is Linked to Lower Mortality in Women!

You don’t have to give up a long life to lead a quality life! I always hear my patients say things like, “I don’t care if these pellets cause me to die early, I’m taking them anyway because they improve[...]