CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘bioidentical hormone pellet therapy’ Category
Getting Old and Frail? Getting Frail MEANS Getting Old
The opposite of Frailty is the Quality of being robust. Do you ache all over? Are you weaker every year? Shorter and more bent over? Are your clothes hanging off your shoulders? Do you walk slower and hold on to[...]
Headlines About Menopause are Meant to Scare us. Don’t be Manipulated!
Women are continually barraged with misleading information that makes us think that menopause is no big deal. Recent Research seems scary if You read only the Titles of the Medical News about Menopause……But Menopause is a completely treatable condition! Even[...]
High Blood Pressure. What Does It Mean, And How To Help Your Doctor Help You.
What is the mechanism of hypertension? How does high Blood Pressure cause future disease? Hypertension and high blood pressure are considered to be signs of future disease. The treatment of high blood pressure has been one of the first preventive[...]
Testosterone Deficiency Can Cause Chronic Diseases
Why we should replace testosterone to prevent the diseases that kill us. One of the major conflicts in modern medicine is the argument on whether the historical approach of fighting and treating specific symptomatology is the best approach for medicine[...]
BioBalance Training For Doctors In Your Area
What is included in the two days of BioBalance training in St. Louis, MO with Doctors Maupin and Sullivan. BIOBALANCE HEALTH TWO -DAY TRAING PROGRAM Shadowing Drs. Maupin and Sullivan We are excited to announce the beginning of an efficient[...]
A Case Study Of Hypothyroidism – Part 2 of 2
Doctors Cannot Rely on Lab Data Alone When Treating Hypothyroidism. This week Brett Newcomb and Dr. Maupin present a continuation of a case study on Hypothyroidism. This individual is a composite of a couple of clients who contacted Dr. Maupin[...]
Male Case Study – Continuation of Episode 333
Dr. Maupin and Brett explain the lab test required at BioBalance Health to become a hormone replacement patient. In this second Healthcast we review the fifteen lab tests that are standard for Dr. Maupin to obtain prior to treatment. She[...]
Good News from the National Institute of Health about Testosterone Replacement
The benefits of testosterone replacement have been validated by the National Institute of Health. Like the Greek legend of Sisyphus, Dr. Maupin and I have been pushing the rock of Hormone Replacement up the hill of FDA resistance and the[...]
Hormonal Treatment for Transgender People
While in training Dr. Sullivan developed an interest in treating transgender patients. Our new Doctor at BioBalance health, Dr. Rachel Sullivan, is developing a specialty within her hormone replacement practice. As a BioBalance Health physician, she specializes in the replacement[...]
An Interview With Dr. Rachel Sullivan
Dr. Rachel Sullivan, a Family Medicine Physician, joins our BioBalance Health practice in Kansas City. We welcome Dr. Rachel Sullivan to our BioBalance Health practice in Kansas City. Dr. Sullivan is a Family Medicine Physician, licensed in three states, Texas,[...]