CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘diabetes’ Category

Getting Old and Frail? Getting Frail MEANS Getting Old

The opposite of Frailty is the Quality of being robust. Do you ache all over? Are you weaker every year? Shorter and more bent over?   Are your clothes hanging off your shoulders? Do you walk slower and hold on to[...]

628 Statins Can Cause Diabetes

Why are statins always prescribed for people who have diabetes, even if their lipids are normal? There is an interesting conflict between the truth and the mainstream medical protocols surrounding statins, that we have noticed in our practice for a[...]

MetforminÂź is a Miracle Drug for Aging and Obese Patients

Your weight loss medicine may be helpful for other issues in addition to weight loss. One of my patients asked me why I was putting her on Metformin if she wasn’t really diabetic yet, another woman I was consulting on[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight – Reasons #8-15

Your medicines may be working against you when trying to lose weight. #8 You drink alcohol while you are dieting. Alcohol is a toxin, not a food and slows or stops weight loss. When you drink, your liver prioritizes your[...]

The 15 Reasons You Have Trouble Losing Weight #1-7

Working at being healthy is WORK! I have seen so many patients who come in for anti-aging Testosterone and estradiol who are 50-100% overweight and who do not follow my instructions for weight loss, that I am tired of talking[...]

Why you absolutely need to take oral Vitamin D3

What is the difference between vitamin D3 and vitamin D2? Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, as most people think, it is a HORMONE called Cholecalciferol that is required for general health, thick bones, for making muscle and your[...]

Testosterone Treats Unexpected Diseases and Symptoms

You get so much more than a good sex life when you replace your Testosterone. Testosterone treats many illnesses in addition to sexual dysfunction.  Most patients and doctors don’t associate testosterone with the anxiety and depression that occurs after age[...]

Low Testosterone Found to Result in More Severe Covid Infections

Washington University study shows men who have low Testosterone levels are associated with severe Covid infections. Welcome to the BioBalance Healthcast, I’m Dr. Kathy Maupin and my partner Dr. Rachel Sullivan, joins me today to discuss a new research finding[...]

Lower your blood pressure, your blood sugar, relax, and sleep better with one important mineral – Magnesium

When we start viewing food as fuel and nutrition and less as “fun” and emotional security, we will all be healthier. Our bodies are primarily water, sea water specifically, and supplying our bodies with the water (H2O) and the minerals[...]

The Apple iPhone Health Heart can save your life!

This may save more lives than anything we have talked about in our 500 Healthcasts. During this time of quarantine we all need something to do that is positive and protective, right? I think one of the best things you[...]