CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘estrogen’ Category

Sexual Diseases or Disorders where a Female would see a Gynecologists

The nerves that produce orgasm are not as most men think just in the clitoris, but there are a variety of nerves that lead from the spinal cord to areas of pleasure. At BioBalance we treat sexual dysfunction in both[...]

Women, Testosterone Pellets, and Good Health

How can hormone replacement for women positively impact their health? Women are concerned when they think about testosterone pellets and whether or not these pellets will lead to weight gain for them. They think this because they have heard somewhere[...]

More FAQ’s from women about hormone replacement

Dr. Maupin and Brett discuss questions and concerns from women considering hormone replacement. Our discussion this week covers some of the specific questions people ask when they begin to consider whether or not they are candidates for hormone replacement therapy.[...]

Certain Estrogen Products can Increase Your Risk of Clotting

It is a well known fact that estrogen can “cause blood clots”, but is that always true? Blood clots are scary. You can die from them. This week we are speaking about the risks of blood clotting and what you[...]

The Biggest Risk of Estrogen Replacement is Uterine Bleeding

Dr. Maupin and Brett Explain Menopause, Estrogen, and Uterine Bleeding. Women who have gone through menopause and still have a uterus, experience the loss of estrogen. If they then decide to obtain estrogen replacement, they will begin to have bleeding[...]

Painful Sex is Often the First Sign of a Serious Condition for Women

There are many factors and conditions that can cause painful sex. If you experience painful sex you need to find out why. Men seldom know that sex for women is sometimes painful. Many women do experience painful sex and seldom[...]

Age and Gender Differences in Blood Test Results

Just because your blood test result is in the “normal” column, doesn’t mean your hormone level is healthy! The truth is that when we are young, fertile and healthy our GH, Testosterone and Estradiol are at their peaks.  As we[...]

Statins and Estrogen

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss recent research conducted on the use of statin drugs and how they can interact with estrogen replacement therapy. New research shows that the replacement of estrogen can make you healthier and can prolong[...]

Low Estrogen is not the only Cause of Hot Flashes

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the causes of hot flashes. Menopause is not the only cause of this symptom, and Dr. Maupin talks about what can be done to treat hot flashes that are caused by other factors.[...]

Treating Symptoms of Aging with Bioidentical Testosterone Pellets

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss certain physicians' reactions to the results that BioBalance Health patients experience with the use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Many of my patients come to me with interesting stories of their regular physician's[...]